Monday, December 9, 2013

Newsletter December 9 - 13, 2013

Here we are with just 2 weeks until Christmas Break!  Wow, this semester has gone by so fast.

Be sure read important information about the Christmas Concert in the newsletter.  Continue reading below the newsletter for reading homework.  Also note that I have included links to science fair related websites on the right side of the blog.

Click here for a printable copy of the newsletter.

Reading Homework:

Reading Assignments: Reading Skills Practice
Monday - Reading Comprehension - Sample and A
 Tuesday - Reading Comprehension - B and C
 Wednesday - Reading Comprehension - D and E
 Thursday - Vocabulary

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Newsletter, December 2 - 6, 2013

Welcome to December!  I am looking forward to month filled with the Joy of learning and the Joy of the Season.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break!!

Be sure to scroll down below the newsletter for  this weeks reading assignments.

Click here to download a printable copy of the newsletter.

Reading Assignments: Reading Skills Practice
Monday - Reading Comprehension - Sample and A, page 57
Tuesday - Reading Comprehension - B and C, page 58
Wednesday - Reading Comprehension - D and E, page 59
Thursday - Vocabulary, page 60

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Newsletter - November 25 - 29

Wow!  Can you believe we are already at the last week of November!  Time is flying by.

I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving and if you are traveling out of town, I wish you safe travels and hope you all enjoy this time with your families!

Click here for a printable copy of the newsletter.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Newsletter November 18 - 22, 2013

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!

Correction on Math homework:  Monday: Complete front side of lesson 49 and complete test review.
Tuesday: In class - Test 9B. Homework: Math Facts practice on or using flash cards.
Wednesday: Homework: Math Facts practice on or using flash cards.

Be sure to scroll down below the newsletter to see this weeks reading assignments.

Please click here for a printable copy of the newsletter.

This weeks reading assignments:
Functional Text worksheets and 20 minutes of reading each night:
Monday: Pumpkin Pancakes reading worksheet
Tuesday: Making Christmas Ornaments reading worksheet
Wednesday: Homemade Sorbet reading worksheet
Thursday: Store Flyer reading worksheet

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11 - 15, 2013

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend!
Don't forget that Wednesday is a half day.

Be sure to scroll down below the newsletter to see this weeks reading assignments.

Please click here for a printable copy of the newsletter.

This weeks reading assignments:

Tuesday's assignment:
Read pages 135 - 138 and answer the questions.

Wednesday's assignment:
Read pages 139-142 and answer questions.

Thursday's assignment:
Read pages 143-146 and answer questions.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Newsletter November 4 - 8, 2013

Veteran's day homework is due on Friday, November 1, 2013.  

Click here to open up a printable copy of the newsletter.

This Week's Reading Assignments.

Monday's reading checklist:
  • Read Ancient Rome and Byzantium: The Forum and complete the question set.
Tuesday's reading checklist:
  • Read Ancient Rome and Byzantium - Meet Me at the Coliseum and complete the question set.
Wednesday's  reading checklist:
  • Read Ancient Rome and Byzantium - Living in Constantinople and complete the question set.
Thursday's reading checklist:
  • Read Ancient Rome and Byzantium - Julius Caesar and complete the question set.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Newsletter for October 28 - November 1, 2013

Reading assignments are posted below the newsletter. 

Veteran's day homework is coming home on Monday.  It is due on Friday, November 1, 2013.  
Help is needed for our Halloween Party on Thursday, October 31.  Please go to to sign up. Use my email address to locate sign-ups for room 115.

An additional birthday is taking place on Friday.  Happy Birthday to Crew!

Just a reminder that this Friday is November 1st. A lot of students eat pizza, so please get your menu's turned in. Thank you!
Click here to open up a printable copy of the newsletter.

This Week's Reading Assignments.

Monday's reading checklist:
  • Read pages 121-0124, answer the questions associated with each reading passage.
Tuesday's reading checklist:
  • Read pages 125-128, "Pizza by Plane" and Practice 1, 2, and 3. Be sure to answer all questions in this section.
Wednesday's online reading checklist:
  • Read pages 129 - 131, "Gloria McAllister's Socks".  Answers all questions in this section.
Thursday's reading checklist:
  • Read page 132, "Ringling Brothers Circus Makes Big Changes." Complete the Write About It section then read "The Elephant's Child's Nose", and take the accompanying quiz.  Be sure to answer all the questions.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Newsletter and Reading Assignments for October 21 -25, 2013

Reading assignments and links are posted below the newsletter. 

Go to to see what new volunteer opportunities there are for 2nd Quarter. Use my email address to locate sign-ups for room 115.

Click here to open up a printable copy of the newsletter.

This Week's Reading Assignments.

Monday's online reading checklist:
  • Read pages 1 - 2 online (pages 107 - 108), Aesop and His Fables.  Click on the Monday link below to complete the homework questions.
Tuesday's online reading checklist:
  • Read pages 4 - 5 online (pages 109 - 110), Jack and the Beanstalk.  Click on the Tuesday link below to complete the homework questions.
Wednesday's online reading checklist:
  • Read pages 6 - 8 online (pages 112 - 114), Practice 1, Practice 2, and Practice 3.  Click on the three separate links for Wednesday below to complete the homework questions. 
Thursday's online reading checklist:
  • Read page 9 - 11 online (page 115 - 117), What Sailors Saw at Sea.  Click on the Thursday link below to complete the homework form.  After completing the form go back to the reading packet at Triumph Online and click on the practice tab to take the practice quiz, "You Can Say That Again!"

Click here for the link to this week's reading packet, 


If you are having trouble accessing the reading packet online, I have provided a PDF file for you.

Wednesday:  Practice 1    Practice 2    Practice 3

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Newsletter for October 14 - 18, 2013.

Reading assignments and links are posted below the newsletter.

Click here to open up a printable copy of the newsletter.

This Week's Reading Assignments.

 PDF file of Lesson 6: Drawing Conclusions

Monday's online reading checklist:
  • Read pages 1 - 4 online (pages 79-82), The Visitor and Not So Serious Abe.  Click on the Monday link below to complete the homework questions.
Tuesday's online reading checklist:
  • Read pages 5 - -8 online (pages 83-86), A Coyote Visits Central Park and practice passages 1, 2, and 3.  Click on the Tuesday link below to complete the homework questions. Tuesday's assignment may be completed in your spelling notebook or answered orally to a parent and have them sign that you answered orally.
Wednesday's online reading checklist:
  • Read pages 9 - 11 online (pages 87-89), Guided Instruction 2 and Pele's Surprise.  Click on the Wednesday link below to complete the homework questions.  The final question may be answered in your spelling notebook.
Thursday's online reading checklist:
  • Read page 12 online (page 90), Light Bulb Burns for 100 Years.  Click on the Thursday link below to complete the homework form or answer the question in your spelling notebook.  After completing the form go back to the reading packet at Triumph Online and click on the practice tab to take the practice quiz, "Chris Tells a Tale"
Click here for the link to this week's reading packet, Lesson 6: Drawing Conclusions.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Newsletter and Reading Homework for September 23 - 27, 2013

Reading homework and links are listed after the newsletter.

Click on the here to open up a printable copy of the newsletter.

This Week's Reading Assignments.

Monday's online reading checklist:
  • Read pages 1 - 4 online (pages 65-68), The New Babysitter and Marty's Way on Game Day.  Click on the Monday link below to complete the homework questions.
Tuesday's online reading checklist:

  • Read pages 5 - -8 online (pages 69 - 72), Pancake Pride and practice passages 1, 2, and 3.  Click on the Tuesday link below to complete the homework questions.

Wednesday's online reading checklist:

  • Read pages 9 - 11 (pages 73 - 75), Guided Instruction 2 and What All Plants Need.  Click on the Wednesday link below to complete the homework questions.  The final question may be answered in your spelling notebook.

Thursday's online reading checklist:
  • Read page 12 online (page 76), Action Figure Museum Opens.  Click on the Thursday link below to complete the homework form.  After completing the form go back to the reading packet at Triumph Online and click on the practice tab to take the practice quiz, "The Power of Magnets."

Click here for online reading Packet  -

Click on the days of the week below to link to each nights homework assignment





If you are available to help in the classroom, please click on "Volunteer Opportunities" to sign up.

Volunteer Opportunities