Monday, April 14, 2014

Newsletter, April 14 - 17, 2014

Looking Ahead:
  • Field Trip is Friday, May 2nd.  Continue reading this post for more information.
  • No School this coming Friday, April 18th.
  • Knowledge-A-Thon is coming soon.  Due to the field trip being on May 2nd, 3rd graders will do their knowledge-a-thon on May 6th. Volunteers are needed in order to have a successful event.  Please see the information and link at the bottom of this post.
Spring Music Concert:
Save the Date! 
The ALA Spring Concert is coming up and we are trying something new!  There will be two performances:  Tuesday, May 6 will be for students whose last name begins with any letter from A - L, and Wednesday, May 7 will be for students with last names
beginning with a letter between M - Z.  
Two benefits:  1. We should be able to accommodate all our guests inside the cafenasium.  2.  If your assigned night doesn't work for you, please come the other night!  

Concert Dress:  ALA school uniforms
Any questions? Contact Joan Matheny at

Multiplication Facts- Please be studying NIGHTLY!

Click here for direction of a multiplication game to play with your child.

Math: We are working on long division and we will be looking at calculating sales tax.  A fun activity to do with your child is help them determine the sales tax on their favorite treat from the store.
Reading: We are reading a story from our Junior Great Books series titled Dream Weaver.  WE are working on making inferences and asking questions while we read.
Shurley/Writing: This week we are working on writing friendly letters.
Leadership: We will be looking at ways that we can be proactive citizens of our planet earth!
Science: We are continuing our ecology unit this week.

Math - Lesson 80
Reading: Comprehension worksheet
Spelling: Speller's Choice, Monday's words

Math - Lesson 81
Reading: Comprehension worksheet
Spelling: Speller's Choice, Tuesday's words
Math - Lesson 82
Reading: Comprehension worksheet
Spelling: Practice misspelled words from pre-test.

We are still in need of a few items in our classroom.  Any donations are greatly appreciated:

  • Tissues!
  • disinfectant wipes
  • treasure box items

Happy Birthday!

Taeya - April 9
Jace - April 14
Jessica - April 14
Sarra - April 21
Wyatt - April 26

Field Trip News:

Our class will be going on a field trip to the Phoenix Zoo on Friday, May 2, from 8:15 am until 2:30 pm.  Your child should have brought home a permission slip for this trip.  If you have not received a permission slip please let me know.  Permission slips and the $10.00 trip fee are due no later than April 21, 2014.

Knowledge-A-Thon News:

Dear Parents,

*On May 2nd, we will be having our 2nd annual fundraiser - Knowledge-A-Thon.  Our scholars are excited to share what they have learned throughout the school year, and we are delighted to have showcase their knowledge.  This supports our Core Knowledge Curriculum in a fun manner for all involved, and all proceeds stay with the school.

*We would love to have your support in testing our students.  We are 
in need of 100 volunteers for Knowledge-A-Thon.

*There will be breakfast and lunch provided to all volunteers!! 

*All parents who help us with our special day will receive double volunteer hours.  

4-6 from 8:00-11:00 
K-2 from 11:00-2:00
(3rd Graders and all scholars absent on May 2nd
Make-up day is May 6th at 8 a.m.)

*KAT Volunteer Sign Up!
All volunteers will be provided with lunch and breakfast for their appreciation!
We need at least 5 volunteers from each class.

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