Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Newsletter, May 27 - 30

Class party will be held on Friday, May 30th.  Details here.
  • Field day is THURSDAY!!!
  • Thursday we will have a pizza lunch in our classroom.  Please send in $1.00 on Wednesday for the pizza and a drink on Thursday.
  • May and Summer Birthdays are posted below
Dear Parents,

First annual Field/ Water Day

Dear Parents,
Reminder: :)
***May 29th:  

Field Day:  Soft Ball Field and BB Court
3rd, 4th:  9:45 - 10:45

Water Day:  East End (Final Schedule)

3rd Grade:  12:00 - 1:00

Few things to begin wit the end in mind:
1. Please apply sun screen on your student before coming to school.
2. Your student may wear a bathing suit under a change of clothes. 
Gym shorts to the knee and T-shirt.
Please send students with bathing suit under their uniform.
Uniform will be worn before and after the field day.
3. Optional water shoes or send an extra pair of shoes.
4. Please send a grocery bag to put wet clothes in.
5. Towel, water bottle (with name on it)
6. Snack after activity (optional)

Thank you for a wonderful year!
ALA- QCE Staff

Sign up for Parent Volunteers:


Happy Birthday! 
Troy - May 19 
Zach - May 20 
Kaleb - May 27 
Happy Birthday!
Nathan Powell - June 15
Caiden Powell - June 15
Melanie Reyes - June 22
Hunter Roylance - July 26

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Newsletter, May 19 - 23

Looking Ahead:
  • Reading Buddy Social, Thursday, May 22.  We will celebrate our year together with our reading buddies with a snack and a drink.  Each student in Mrs. Hill's class is to bring in 2 drinks, one for him or herself and one for his or her reading buddy.
  • Class party will be held on Friday, May 30th.  Details here.
  • Field day is coming!
Dear Parents,

First annual Field/ water Day
Last week of school.

Thursday May 29 Third and Fourth Grade @ 9:45-10:45

Few things to begin with the end in mind:
1. Please apply sun screen on your student before coming to school.
2. Students may wear bathing suit under a change of clothes. 
**Gym shorts to the knee and T-shirt.
**Uniform will be worn before and after the field day.
3. Optional water shoes or send an extra pair of shoes.
4. Please send a grocery bag to put wet clothes in.
5. Towel, water bottle (with name on it)
6. Snack after activity (optional)

Thank you for a wonderful year!

Sign up for Parent Volunteers:

Multiplication Facts- Please be studying NIGHTLY!

Click here for direction of a multiplication game to play with your child.


Math: We will continue working on our double digit multiplication and will start working on fractions.
Reading: We are so excited to be working with the other 3rd grade classes as we put together reader's theater performances for several short stories.  

Writing and History: We will be writing compare and contrast essays in which we compare the Disney movie Pocahontas to what we have learned about Pocahantas and John Smith in our history books.

Spalding: Spalding Spelling Rules - NO SPELLING WORDS THIS WEEK!
Social Studies: We are continuing our unit on the Thirteen Colonies. 



Math - Multiplication worksheet

Reading: Read 20 minutes.  Parent signature in agenda

Math -Lesson 107, problems 4, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30
Reading:  Read 20 minutes.  Parent signature in agenda

Math - Lesson 108, problems 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26
Reading:  Read 20 minutes.  Parent signature in agenda


Math - Lesson 109, problems 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28

Reading: Read 20 minutes.  Parent signature in agenda


Happy Birthday!
Troy - May 19

Zach - May 20
Kaleb - May 27 

Happy Birthday!
Nathan Powell - June 15
Caiden Powell - June 15
Melanie Reyes - June 22
Hunter Roylance - July 26  

End of Year Class Party

Let's Celebrate!
We have had a great year together and it is time to celebrate our learning and growth in the 3rd grade.
  • Friday, May 30th
  • Our party will begin at around 10:00 (depending on the length of the school talent showcase).  
  • We will celebrate each of our individual talents by doing a one-minute talent show. Each student is encouraged to be prepared to share a talent for one minute.  It may be dancing, playing a musical instrument, singing, rapping, tricks...something fun that defines the student. 
  • Class awards presented by Mrs. Hill. We will roll out the red carpet (butcher paper) and each student will receive an award and take a walk down the red carpet.
  • Autograph T-Shirts: Please send a t-shirt that is okay to be marked up with sharpie.  As a keepsake from our year together we will do autograph t-shirts.I suggested a uniform shirt that is no-longer usable due to stains or purchase an inexpensive white t-shirt.  Please send the shirt with a piece of cardboard tucked inside the shirt so that the t-shirt may be passed from friend to friend to sign with a sharpie. This will prevent the marker from bleeding through to the other side. PLEASE DO NOT WEAR THE SHIRT THAT DAY! 
  • Popsicles: We will end the day on a cool note as we enjoy a popsicle in the sun with one another.
Parents are welcome to join us during our celebration.  Please RSVP via email so that I may bring enough popsicles for everyone.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Newsletter, May 12-16

Looking Ahead:
  • Class party will be held on Friday, May 30th.  More information to come later this week. 
  • Field day is coming!
Dear Parents,

First annual Field/ water Day
Last week of school.

Thursday May 29 Third and Fourth Grade @ 9:45-10:45

Few things to begin with the end in mind:
1. Please apply sun screen on your student before coming to school.
2. Students may wear bathing suit under a change of clothes. 
**Gym shorts to the knee and T-shirt.
**Uniform will be worn before and after the field day.
3. Optional water shoes or send an extra pair of shoes.
4. Please send a grocery bag to put wet clothes in.
5. Towel, water bottle (with name on it)
6. Snack after activity (optional)

Thank you for a wonderful year!

Sign up for Parent Volunteers:

Multiplication Facts- Please be studying NIGHTLY!

Click here for direction of a multiplication game to play with your child.

Link to spelling words and phonograms for week 36.

Math: We are working on solving two-step story problems and looking at mean, median, and mode this week.
Reading: This week we will be reading out of our JR. Great Books. 

 Shurley/Writing: We will be finishing our pourquois.

Spalding: Write and write 30 spelling words and 20 phonograms.
Leadership: We will be discussing ways that we can Sharpen Our Saws this summer. We will also work with Mrs. Cox's kindergarten class and synergize as leaders.

Social Studies: We are continuing our unit on the Thirteen Colonies. 



Math - Lesson 94

Reading: Read 20 minutes.  Parent signature in agenda

Spelling: Speller's Choice, Monday's words
Math -Math Facts Practice
Reading:  Read 20 minutes.  Parent signature in agenda
Spelling: Speller's Choice, Monday's and Tuesday's words

Math - Lesson 95
Reading:  Read 20 minutes.  Parent signature in agenda
Spelling: Speller's Choice, Monday's, Tuesday's, and Wednesday's words


Math - Lesson 96 & 97

Reading: Read 20 minutes.  Parent signature in agenda

Spelling: Practice missed spelling words from practice test by writing missed words three times each.

Happy Birthday!
Troy - May 19

Zach - May 20
Kaleb - May 27

Monday, May 5, 2014

Newsletter, May 5 - 9, 2014

Thank You to those of you who sent in tissues!
Looking Ahead:

  • Knowledge-A-Thon is Tuesday.  Due to the field trip being on May 2nd, 3rd graders will do their knowledge-a-thon on May 6th.

Spring Music Concert:

Save the Date! 
The ALA Spring Concert is this Tuesday and Wednesday: Tuesday, May 6 will be for students whose last name begins with any letter from A - L, and Wednesday, May 7 will be for students with last names beginning with a letter between M - Z.  
Two benefits:  1. We should be able to accommodate all our guests inside the cafenasium.  2.  If your assigned night doesn't work for you, please come the other night!

Concert Dress:  ALA school uniforms
Any questions? Contact Joan Matheny at jmatheny@alaschools.org.

Multiplication Facts- Please be studying NIGHTLY!

Click here for direction of a multiplication game to play with your child.

Link to spelling words and phonograms for week 35.

Math: We are working on multiplying double digit numbers and and decimal place values.  We will also be taking a test on recent concepts.
Reading: This week we will be reading and writing Pourquois. Have you ever wondered how the turtle got his shell or why the tiger can not climb?  This weeks reading and writing explains the why and how behind these mysteries.
 Shurley/Writing: We will be writing our own pourquois.
Spalding: Write and write 30 spelling words and 20 phonograms.
Leadership: We will be discussing ways that we can Sharpen Our Saws this summer. We will also work with Mrs. Cox's kindergarten class and synergize as leaders.
Social Studies: We are staring a unit on the Thirteen Colonies. 
Math - Lesson 90
Reading: Comprehension worksheet
Spelling: Speller's Choice, Monday's words
Science: Test Review
Math -Double Digit Multiplication practice
Reading: Comprehension worksheet
Spelling: Speller's Choice, Monday's and Tuesday's words
Math - Test Review
Reading: Comprehension worksheet
Spelling: Speller's Choice, Monday's, Tuesday's, and Wednesday's words
Math - Double Digit Multiplication practice
Reading: Comprehension Worksheet
Spelling: Practice missed spelling words from practice test by writing missed words three times each.
Happy Birthday!
Troy - May 19
Zach - May 20
Kaleb - May 27

Knowledge-A-Thon News:

Dear Parents,

*There will be breakfast and lunch provided to all volunteers!! 

*All parents who help us with our special day will receive double volunteer hours.  

(3rd Graders and all scholars absent on May 2nd
Make-up day is May 6th at 8 a.m.)

*KAT Volunteer Sign Up!
All volunteers will be provided with lunch and breakfast for their appreciation!
We need at least 5 volunteers from each class.
