Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Newsletter, May 27 - 30

Class party will be held on Friday, May 30th.  Details here.
  • Field day is THURSDAY!!!
  • Thursday we will have a pizza lunch in our classroom.  Please send in $1.00 on Wednesday for the pizza and a drink on Thursday.
  • May and Summer Birthdays are posted below
Dear Parents,

First annual Field/ Water Day

Dear Parents,
Reminder: :)
***May 29th:  

Field Day:  Soft Ball Field and BB Court
3rd, 4th:  9:45 - 10:45

Water Day:  East End (Final Schedule)

3rd Grade:  12:00 - 1:00

Few things to begin wit the end in mind:
1. Please apply sun screen on your student before coming to school.
2. Your student may wear a bathing suit under a change of clothes. 
Gym shorts to the knee and T-shirt.
Please send students with bathing suit under their uniform.
Uniform will be worn before and after the field day.
3. Optional water shoes or send an extra pair of shoes.
4. Please send a grocery bag to put wet clothes in.
5. Towel, water bottle (with name on it)
6. Snack after activity (optional)

Thank you for a wonderful year!
ALA- QCE Staff

Sign up for Parent Volunteers:


Happy Birthday! 
Troy - May 19 
Zach - May 20 
Kaleb - May 27 
Happy Birthday!
Nathan Powell - June 15
Caiden Powell - June 15
Melanie Reyes - June 22
Hunter Roylance - July 26

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