Monday, March 31, 2014

Behavior Trackers

Good Afternoon!

We are doing something a bit different with classroom management this quarter.  Each week students receive a behavior tracker that is taped to their desks.  For each day of the school week there are four spaces that I use to record behavior infractions.  On the back of the tracker is a list of codes that I am using.  The codes are as follows:
OS = Out of Seat
T = Talking
NFD = Not Following Directions
D = Distracted (playing with toys, ect.)
H = Homework not done or incomplete
O = Other
SO = Shouting Out

This helps me to keep track of what specific behaviors are taking place and helps the students keep track of them as well.

If a student has two spaces filled in with a behavior infraction he or she loses 5 minutes of recess for the next day. Three spaces equals 10 minutes of recess, and 4 spaces is teacher's choice.  Teacher's choice may mean missing all of the recess, a phone call home, or detention.  This all depends on the situation and how many day's the issues have been going on. 

On Monday morning when students get a new behavior tracker they are to fill out the reflection portion on the backside and then take the tracker home to show their parents.  They are to get a parent signature and return the tracker to school on Tuesday morning.  This will count as a leadership grade in the grade book. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.

This new program has worked very well over the past week and I expect continued success throughout the remaining weeks of the quarter.

Thank you!

Mrs. Hill

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